The Super Bowl Monday Slump

The Super Bowl Monday Slump

The day after the Super Bowl, otherwise known as "Super Bowl Monday," is notorious for its high absenteeism rate. According to a Workforce Institute survey, approximately 1 in 5 employed Americans say they will report to work late or plan to miss work entirely Monday after the Super Bowl. 3.1 million respondents said that they plan to end up on the ”injured-reserve” list after the big game, despite actually not being sick. And 4.7 million workers admit they plan to ghost their employer and skip work entirely without notice.


This spike in absenteeism can be attributed to:


Staying up too late: This term perfectly captures the feeling of sluggishness and low energy that many people experience after staying up late for the game and indulging in unhealthy snacks.


Overindulging: Super Bowl parties often involve more than just chips and dips. Those celebratory drinks and greasy snacks can leave you feeling hungover the next day, and feeling worse for the wear.


Heartbreak: For passionate fans, a Super Bowl loss can be crushing. The emotional hangover can be brutal, leaving some so dispirited they can barely face the world, let alone their colleagues.


Touchdown Blues: This playful term acknowledges the unique nature of post-Super Bowl fatigue and hangovers. It's a way to own the situation with a bit of humor, letting your boss know you're not faking it, but the Super Bowl just took it out of you.


While the 42% of people lobbying for the Monday after Super Bowl to become a national holiday may not be victorious, they can win the day after with a little pre-planning.


Be the MVP of your Super Bowl party by offering your guests Max Reboot Caffeine Free so they can get a head start on replenishing their system with the vitamins and minerals depleted from your epic party. Or, have some Max Reboot Original on hand for the morning after… with added caffeine for that extra motivation to help you kick start your day.


Max Reboot has a special blend of active ingredients that help overcome most hangover symptoms. Ginger, calms the stomach and kicks nausea to the curb. Valerian root extract, our mood-boosting wizard, tinkers with GABA receptors to squash hangxiety and boost your overall vibe. White Willow Bark, the OG of aspirin, offers relief from inflammation and pain. Max Reboot packs a punch with B-vitamins and electrolytes, rushing in to replenish what alcohol swiped away. This product has been fine tuned for top-notch effectiveness allowing you to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday, and effortlessly reboot for the new day.

