Hangover Hacks from Around the World

Hangover Hacks from Around the World

The morning after a night of festivities is a shared experience globally, but who says the cure for your pounding head and uneasy stomach can't be as lavish as the celebration itself? Join us on a journey around the world to discover traditional hangover remedies, each rooted in the wisdom of different cultures.


Korean Kongguksu: In Korea, spicy noodles reign supreme. Kongguksu, a chilled soybean noodle soup, offers a light and comforting option for a delicate stomach. The broth, packed with protein and electrolytes, replenishes your body, while the chili peppers aid in digestion. Top it off with a sprinkle of kimchi for an extra probiotic boost.


Polish Zurek: This traditional Polish sour soup is more than just a hangover cure; it's a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Made with rye bread, fermented sausage, and white kielbasa, Zurek provides vital B vitamins and protein, while the lactic acid in the fermented rye aids digestion and rehydration. Just be careful not to overindulge in the sausage – after all, a meat coma isn't the best way to combat hangover coma.


Mexican Menudo: South of the border, menudo, a spicy tripe stew, is a popular hangover savior. The rich broth, often prepared with chiles, lime, and herbs, offers a potent combination of electrolytes, vitamins, and digestive enzymes. While tripe might not be for everyone, it's a good source of collagen and B vitamins, potentially easing headaches, and fatigue.


Ancient Egyptian Bilbils: While not readily available at your local diner, this ancient Egyptian remedy offers a fascinating glimpse into history. Bilbils, a concoction of dates, fig paste, and vinegar, was believed to restore balance and soothe upset stomachs. While the science behind it might be unclear, the combination of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and vinegar could offer some relief.


Indian Kadha: In India, the spicy and aromatic kadha is a common go-to for various ailments, including hangovers. This herbal tea, typically made with ginger, black pepper, turmeric, and honey, boasts anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. The warmth and spiciness are also believed to stimulate digestion and ease nausea.


These are just a few examples of the diverse and intriguing hangover remedies found around the world. While not every remedy suits everyone, it's a reminder that traditional wisdom often unveils valuable insights. So, the next time you find yourself facing the aftermath of a global revelry, dare to step outside the usual remedies and explore the hangover hacks of other cultures. You might just uncover your new favorite recovery ritual!


Source: https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/hangovers